Heb 3:13 Encourage each another daily, while it is still called today
Heb 10:25 not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.
To exhort means to strongly encourage or urge someone. In spiritual terms, it applies to causing others to pursue or have a desire to walk closer to Jesus. The writer of Hebrews is expressing the importance and value of doing this as a normal practice. He makes it plain that we are to do this more often as the day of the Lord’s coming draws near.
Jesus Christ was the most encouraging person to ever live. As followers of Jesus, we should focus on doing the same thing. Encouragement not only lifts other people, but it also energizes us. It usually doesn’t cost us anything other than consideration and a little time. We should encourage others freely and not make it conditional. It’s not something that has to be earned.
Christ is spoken of as our encourager in II Thessalonians 2:16-17: "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word.” We should follow His lead and do the same for others.
Most of us go through tough times and get discouraged. We understand how that could make us feel alone. We should strive to be sensitive to others around us and look for signs of discouragement. Look for ways to engage with one another and see if there’s anything we can be doing to help. Sometimes that just means praying for them…right then and there! We’re told to "exhort one another daily." We must learn to become better at "stirring one another up to love and good works." Ask yourself the following questions to see if you are equipped for encouragement.
1. Do my words of encouragement easily outweigh words of correction or criticism?
2. Am I genuine in my desire to help and encourage others?
3. Do I make people joyful? Do people want to be around me?
4. Is it easy for me to praise others?
5. Have I been diligent to encourage those I associate with - children, students, employees, husband/wife, brothers, sisters, fellow church members?
6. Have I been diligent to encourage those God has placed over me - teachers, employers, church leaders, civil servants, government leaders?
7. Do I only pass along good news and squash gossip, or do I delight in sharing bad news?
8. Does my conversation with others generally build them up?
9. Do I think more about giving praise than receiving it?
1 Thes 5:11 Therefore encourage one another, and build each other up, as you are already doing.
There are lots of people at Westhill church who dedicate a lot of their time for the many ministries here. How much do we notice and how much do we appreciate it. If you enjoy the sermon, the music, the visual aids, are happy with the teaching your children receive, notice the clean facilities and bathrooms, the improvements to the landscaping, find someone involved or responsible for that and let them know how much you appreciate it. Just a little word of encouragement goes a long way.
Pastor Bryan